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About Me

Born a mile from the Mississippi River, Caroline is convinced that she was born under a wandering star. She grew up, traveling across the United States. She hiked the Grand Canyon at age 6 which ingited a passion for travel. 


After reading Animal Farm, Caroline dedicated her life to studying Russia and the surrounding countries. While living in St. Petersburg, Russia, she decided to start a blog to teach others about the post-Soviet states. 


A proud graduate of New Albany High School, Caroline recieved her B.A. in International Studies and Russian from the Univeristy of Denver. She is currently working on her MBA with an emphasis in Marketing from Franklin University. 


She was a Fulbright ETA in Andijan, Uzbekistan from August 2018 until June 2019. She worked for American Councils in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Romania, recruiting participants for the FLEX program from August to December 2019. She was a Fulbright ETA in Bukhara, Uzbekistan from December 2019 until March 2020. She was a Program Assistant at the Eurasia Foundation from 2021 to 2023. She is currently an Administrative Coordinator at the Institute of International Education.


When she isn't geeking out about Eurasia, she is listening to music, hiking or doing yoga. She also writes a music blog, Sad Girl in DC and US travel blog, WanderUSA. She is based in the DC area. 


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 Ð¡Ð»Ð°Ð²Ð° Україні!

About this Site 

This site provides information for tourists traveling to and students interested in the 15 former Soviet Republics: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. It also provides a newsfeed, a travel blog feed and information about Eurasia for English speakers. 


This blog serves two purposes. First, it chronicles my experiences traveling in Eurasia. I studied abroad in Russia, taught English in Uzbekistan and worked in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. I wanted to tell travel stories and inspire others to travel to regions that I’ve fallen in love with. Secondly, I wanted to provide resources for others who want to travel to or want to work in fields relating to Eurasia. Information is limited so I want this blog to provide a resource for others. 

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